Urinary Tract Infection Treatment in Delhi
Our urinary tract plays an important role in the body by helping remove waste fluids in the form of urine. The urinary tract includes two kidneys, two ureters, bladder and urethra, all of which are essential to the process of filtering blood of waste products, storing excess fluids and excretion. Kidneys play an important role by filtering blood of all waste products and ensuring that blood retains proteins and cells essential for healthy functioning of the body. After filtering blood of waste products, excess fluids are channeled to bladder through two narrow tube-like structures known as ureters.
The waste fluids are stored in bladder and finally emptied through another tube-like structure at the bottom of bladder which is known as urethra. Urinary tract infection or UTI can be caused due to bacteria which enter the urinary tract and cause an infection by overcoming natural body defenses. Usually, urinary tract washes up any bacteria with emptying of waste fluids through body but some bacteria might survive by attaching to the lining of the urinary tract and cause an infection.
If the seat of infection is in urethra, it is known as urethritis but bacteria may travel up to bladder and cause an infection. Bladder infection is known as cystitis and is generally not as serious as kidney infections, should they occur. UTIs can be classified into two broad categories, lower UTIs caused in the lower portion of the urinary tract including bladder and urethra which is treated as uncomplicated. On the other hand, upper UTIs are infections caused in upper portions of urinary tract including kidneys and ureters which are treated as complicated UTIs.
Kidney infections can have serious implications for the whole system as it can interfere with the ability of kidneys to filter blood of any impurities and upset the balance of health. It is also important to note that women are more susceptible to UTIs as compared with men and are especially prone if they have diabetes or during pregnancy. One must safeguard against this class of infections and consume a healthy amount of liquids to wash away any possible bacteria residing in the urinary tract.
Uncomplicated UTIs can be effectively treated with a short course of oral antibiotics but complicated UTIs may take longer to be treated properly. Usually, urinalysis helps diagnose the presence of UTIs but if needed imaging techniques can also be employed for detecting the seat of infection and assess the damage caused in order to decide the proper course of treatment.