Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment in Delhi India

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney related disorder which can be caused by a variety of kidney problems affecting the functioning of glomeruli, tiny blood vessels in the kidney which act as blood filters. This leads to improper functioning of kidneys leading to loss of large amount of protein in the urine. Albumin is one such protein which helps it absorb excess of fluids but when a significant amount of albumin is lost in urine it can affect the ability of blood to absorb fluids, resulting in edema. This leads to low levels of albumin in blood, which is known as hypoalbuminia.

Edema caused due to loss of albumin in urine manifests in the form of swelling of legs, feet, ankles or hands which is one of the symptoms associated with nephrotic syndrome. Large amount of protein found in urine is known as proteinuria, another symptom of this condition. Hyperlipidemia is yet another symptom indicating the presence of nephrotic syndrome. It involves higher levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood. This condition can also lead to weight gain, loss of appetite, foamy urine and a constant feeling of fatigue.

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is one of the primary causes behind nephrotic syndrome, which affects only kidneys. Secondary causes of this condition include diseases which affect the functioning of kidneys along with other organs and body functions. Diabetes is one of the most common secondary causes which can lead to nephrotic syndrome by interfering with the healthy functioning of kidneys. It is also important to keep in mind that loss of proteins caused by this condition can result in a number of health complications.

Hyperthyroidism, anemia, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and acute kidney injury are some of the complications which can be caused due to this condition. Urinalysis is important for diagnosing its presence, which involves looking for high levels of protein in the urine. Usually, the ratio of albumin and creatinine in urine indicates whether there is some problem with kidneys. If the ratio is found to be abnormal, it can indicate a kidney-related disorder.

Blood tests and kidney biopsy could be needed to confirm the presence of this condition in a patient. Those who are suffering from diabetes may not need to undergo kidney biopsy because their earlier lab tests and medical history can be sufficient for confirming if this condition is present. Effective treatment for nephrotic syndrome is available which involves focusing on management of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, edema, and any risk of infection. Proper medications and diet changes can be the best ways of treating this condition.  

Dr. Vikram Kalra MBBS - MD (Medicine), Mumbai, DM(Nephrology, AIIMS)
Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician

  • C5A/305A, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
    OPD: 5.30pm to 7.30pm ,Tues/Thurs/Sat
  • +91 9891128869 / 9818843462